Saturday, October 27, 2007

Yut Kee Kopitiam

Pork, pork, pork... how can that word doesnt sound delicious? I'm sorry if i sounded like inconsiderating person, but when it comes to meat, nothing beats pork. A beef noodle will taste a lot better with just a splash of porky oil when u cook the meat. A regular bean sprout dish will turn marvelous if you cook them in lard @,@ okay... i'll stop there before the health inspector comes :)

So yeah... this place, Yut Kee. It is supposed to have a long history. about 20 years? dont get me wrong. i'm not about being cynical or anything. but, how can a 20 year old kopitiam still survive in the modern days of starbucks, coffee bean and modern kopitiams? That's what makes this place all the more interesting.

I first read about it at masak-masak. Well, her blog is the first flog I ever stumble into anyways. And since the, it's just downhill. links beget links. reference begets more reference. I am really thrilled to see that I am not the only person alive that have constant craving for good food. Heck, I got criticized before for constantly craving good food. Dont they know that good food is the essence of a happy soul? -_- anyways, back to the topic. yut kee :)

For the history of this place, I'll just skip all the hassle of reading from other flog and posting here by giving the links :) here are others' take on the place: masak-masak, makan kings, a whiff of lemongrass, the travelling hungryboy and lots of cravings. Okay, that's enough linkage, i guess.

Getting here is actually easy peasey. Drive down to jalan dang wangi. There is no way you can miss this little stall on the corner of the street.

..::one big clear signboard::..

Or you can do it my way. Take the public transport ^^ take the LRT all the way to station dang wangi. being the tourist that I am. Wait a minute, I'm an expat, not a mere tourist ;p so yeah.. I took the LRT down to Dang Wangi station. and just work my way from there. this place is actually on walking distance. you can get here by walking for 10 minutes. If you dont know the way, just ask around for 'jalan dang wangi' or just be like a manic foodies and ask straight away for 'yut kee' ^^ teeheehee... Do it the Gandhi way, honesty is the best policy.

And how surprised I was to see this kind of crowd in this 20 years old kopitiam @,@

old skool with modern, fast service... styloooo

that's one great business for someone who has been in this line for 20 years @,@ we have to wait for a while before we can sit. I wonder how much money are they raking in everyday? :)

the great thing here was supposed to be the 'roti babi'. but when we got there, they were out of it @,@ and i traveled that far for their famous T.T so, i have to settle with pork chop :(

cant get this anywhere else :) not as good as this though

and their char siew fan ^^

ahhhh... comfort food ^_________^

This would have been food heaven day... If only roti babi was here... But i have to admit, it was somehow my fault too. I had some gourmet pork before i came here at jarrod & rawlins ;p so yeah... that is how the sky is telling that i cant have too much of a good thing in one day ^^ i'll be back :)


"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

haha dont worry..i totally agree with the pork thing..

d2e said...

should make a banner for pork lovers ;)